

It is our goal to provide the best possible academic program. Students will be encouraged to achieve the highest level they can reach according to their God-given abilities. II Timothy 2:15 challenges us to make every effort to "show thyself approved unto God....” We work to develop in the students a personal concern and accountability for their studies. We want to motivate an inquiring mind and instill good study and work habits so they can always do their best and excel. Awards are presented at the end of each school year to those students who have excelled in their classes and have shown exemplary attitudes and habits.

Believing that the proper curriculum is essential for the highest possible quality education, ECS uses only those materials that have been proved successful and have been reviewed by the Administrator. In most classes, textbooks published by A Beka and Bob Jones University Press will be used.

Some secular publications may be used upon approval by the administration. Although we do not agree with everything in these textbooks, any Biblical, moral, or ethical error (whether in statement or philosophy) will be pointed out to the students in light of Biblical principles.

Accreditation by state governmental agencies is an administrative mechanism to ensure uniform education for all children in the public school system. It was designed as a means of causing local public schools to fall into step with state requirements. ECS is a member of the South Carolina Association of Christian Schools. SCACS does certify teachers and accredit Christian schools in South Carolina. Our faculty is either presently certified through SCACS or is working toward certification. However, we have not sought and will not seek faculty certification or school accreditation by any governmental agency for the following reasons:
  1. We would be required to use state-approved textbooks that teach and promote secular humanism and other ungodly philosophies that are contrary to the Word of God.
  2. Psalm 1:1 commands us to walk not in the counsel of the ungodly. By being accredited by a governmental agency, we would be subjecting the works of God to the approval of individuals who do not necessarily know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and who, at their own discretion, would upset the smooth and effective operation of the Lord's work.
  3. State accreditation on the elementary and secondary level is not required for a school's graduates to be admitted to an institution of higher learning. Christian, private, and state colleges or universities accept students on the basis of entrance exams (ACT or SAT scores) and the student's individual performance in high school as indicated by their transcript.

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